Quick-start a Remarkable Social Bookmarking Website

StoriFeedit is a ClonesCloud's powerful Social Bookmarking software that enables you to build your own social bookmarking website similar to Reddit.

4 Jaw-Dropping Features of StoryFeedit - A Reddit Clone

A Reddit Clone is a Social Bookmarking Script allows you to get started with your very own Social Bookmarking Website similar to Reddit at a comparatively cheaper cost initially. It brings your social bookmarking business idea to life. Reddit is a leading Social Bookmarking Site where users can post links to content on the web. It is the biggest discovery engine which finds and recommends web contents to users.

Reddit Clone Script

ClonesCloud, a leading website clone providers build the Best Reddit Clone Script - StoryFeedit in a way that guarantees your Social Bookmarking Website will get a lot of traffic. Using this website clone script, you will get repeat clients and customers. Well, get your head around the features of StoryFeedit.

4 Salient Features of StoryFeedit - A Reddit Clone:

  • Ready to go and customization

StoryFeedit, a Social Bookmarking Script has already loaded with some notable features of Reddit so it is ready to go website clone script. It’s also called Social Bookmarking Software. You’ll have to just install it and there you go! It comes with endless customization option where you can add or remove some features to make your Social Bookmarking Website more effective and unique at a lower cost.

  • Search Engine Optimized URLs

If you want to stay in this competitive world, you’ll have to step up your game. And our Reddit Clone Script is integrated with SEO coding that attracts organic targeted traffic from the leading search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, etc. The SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is really important nowadays if our want to generate lump sum traffic organically through search engines.

  • Error free code

StoryFeedit is secure and bug-free Social Bookmarking Script. The majority of Social Bookmarking Software is full of bugs. The error-free script maintains website’s quality and also diminishes the cost of developing. It leads users to use your service efficiently. They even many recommend your Social Bookmarking Website to others.

  • Advanced searching and sorting filters

It features advanced searching and sorting filters to sort the results of posts based on different categories such as the post title, text post, and link posts. Users can also search by entering keywords and can filter the results of posts.

So, these are the 4 notable features of StoryFeedit. However, it comes with more features for Admin and Users. This Reddit Clone Script truly delivers the business value. If you go for custom web development, it will require a longer turnaround time hence becomes costly. So, start your own Social Bookmarking Website using Social Bookmarking Script, StoryFeedit - A Reddit Clone Script. It surely adds value to your business to shape your idea into reality.
